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Community Spirit awards given at 2022 show

Community Spirit presented awards to several well-deserving people and organizations that have worked behind the scenes for many years to support the Independence Day Fireworks events. In honor of their many contributions, plaques were awarded by John Sullivan, president of Community Spirit, from the stage at the 2022 pre-show in front of a record crowd.

DAN COY, (pic below) of Dan's Helping Hand Landscaping was honored "For 20 years of faithful service and support of the Independence Day Fireworks Show". Dan has generously given his time, labor and equipment to transport American flags for set-up at  Adam's Field as well as other needed projects each year. 

GARY ROSENBERGER (pic below, left) of Moonlight Productions was honored "For excellence in sound production for the Independence Day Fireworks Show since 1986."  For 36 years, Gary has done a first rate job producing the sound at Adam's Field so the crowd could enjoy the various bands, stage announcements and music befor each aerial fireworks show.

CLARKSTON SCHOOL DISTRICT (pic below) was honored "For generous support and facilities use for public celebrations of the Independence Day Fireworks Show since 1986."  Accepting the award were Tommy (Bubba) Dickensen (L), CHS maintenance and Thaynan Knowlton (R), District Superintendent. 

CITY OF CLARKSTON (pic below). The Fire, Police and Road Departments were honored "For dedicated service supporting public safety at the Independence Fireworks Show since 1986."  Accepting the award was (L to R) Eldon Kelley, Paramedic; Heather Swigard, EMT; Darren White, Fire Chief; and John Morbeck, Resource Officer.  The fire department, police and road departments all provide personnel and resources at each show.  

ROB PRASIL - After Rob Prasil returned from his trip, John Sullivan presented Rob with his well-deserved award “for 36 years of faithful service and support of the Independence Day Fireworks Show.”

ROB PRASIL and JOHN SULLIVAN (video below).  Rob Prasil, an original founder of Community Spirit fireworks could not be in attendance.  Accepting the award on Rob's behalf were Lee & Angie McVey of McVey Entertainment for his "36 years of faithful service and support of the Independence Day Fireworks Show." 

TABLES WERE TURNED - John Sullivan, CEO of American Insurance and an original, perpetual fireworks sponsor since 1986 and Community Spirit board member since 1990, was surprised by his son, Shawn Sullivan with an unexpected award to honor John's 36 years of support and service doing anything and everything to keep the fireworks show happening for the enjoyment of valley residents. Here’s a video of those awards. 

 John Sullivan helps wherever he's needed on the day of the show. Here he is speaking with the security workers ahead of the crowd's arrival on July 4.

Read more articles about Community Spirit fireworks here.