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American Insurance NW Inc.

Who says giving to your community can’t be fun!

Since 1922 AMERICAN INSURANCE has been an inseparable part of the communities we serve. We have more than 20 full-time employees here – so, we live here, we play here, we work here, we pay taxes here, we send our children to school here – here is where our hearts are and here is where we support our communities.

Man Laughing

Frank “Sully” Sullivan takes a pie to the face at a Community Charity Event, circa 1950

Community Calendar 

Find out about these upcoming community events in the LC Valley, on the Palouse, and in other regions on our blog here. To request publicity for your event email us at community [at] Am-Ins [dot] com.

American Insurance Annual Community Events

Donations & Sponsorships 

AMERICAN INSURANCE sponsors and donates to many worthwhile local causes, both small and large.  Our giving is guided by a desire to give back to our communities a portion of our money, time, talents and resources.  We recognize that no business can support every worthy cause so we guide our giving to support local programs for our kids and those in need.  We feel broad based national charities are best supported by individual donors. 

  • Requests for donations or sponsorships – To request support for a local charity, cause or event that is consistent with our giving program please email us at community [at] Am-Ins [dot] com. 
  • Employee Donation Match Program – To encourage employee community involvement, American Insurance will match our employee donations for causes consistent with our giving program.