Are you looking for ways to spend less money, or find ways to cut costs? American Insurance can help you do just that! Here are two ways you can save money on your auto and home insurance today.
Compare rates of 7 top insurance companies with just one call. You may have found the best deal several years ago, but over time your rates may become noncompetitive in relation to what is now available in the marketplace. Even if your insurance rate has been relatively stable over the years, behind the scenes rate changes, new discounts, and changes in your own personal circumstances may signal the need to re-quote your rates. Onecontact with AMERICAN INSURANCE and we will find you the lowest rates with our Marketplace Double Check.
A BIG discount you forgot. Did you know that by combining your home and auto insurance through the same company, you can save up to 20% with the Multi-Policy Discount? Quote both your auto and home insurance and bundle your coverage for the big discount if possible.
Get the savings and the insurance advice you need from the Sullivans and staff at AMERICAN INSURANCE. We invite you to call us for free comparison quotes. Contact us at (208)746-9646 oronlinefor more information.
Besides home and auto insurance, we also invite your inquiries for business, farm, public entities, workers compensation, bonds, life, medical or Medicare Supplement insurance. Find out more About Us here. Contact us at (208)746-9646 oronlinefor more information.
The content of FAQ articles are general in nature and are not intended as a substitute for professional legal, financial, or insurance counsel for individuals. Insurance coverage forms vary by issuing company and by state. For specific advice contact us.