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Risk Management: General


Business Planning - SWOT it!


As a business owner it’s time to make plans for a new year of success! One common planning technique is listing out your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats -  also known as the SWOT test.


Unfortunately, one of the biggest fundamental threats to any business sometimes doesn’t make the list, “What happens if you or key employee dies or becomes disabled?” In most small businesses, you are responsible for two families: the one you have at home, and the one you have through work. 

If you or a key employee dies or becomes disabled, insurance can help protect your family and your business.  But, no matter what size or type of business you manage, a well-conceived insurance and benefits program is essential to your business value and survival.


  • What will happen to my business and family if I die or become disabled? 
  •  What will happen if certain key employees die or become permanently disabled? 
  •  How can I attract and retain the best employees? 
  •  How can I help ensure that my business will be able to weather unforeseen financial hardships? 
  • What will happen to my business when I retire? 

We can help!

American Insurance Life Agents can help you answer these questions with these resources and their professional knowledge.

  • Free Planning Guide - Click and download this free business planning guide “Taking Care of Business,” available from Life Happens, a nonprofit education organization. 
  • Let’s talk  We invite our fellow chamber members and other small business community members to contact us at American Insurance to make an appointment with one of our Life Agents.  We have resources and advice concerning how to fund Business Continuation, Buy-Sell Agreements and Key Persons with the right life insurance program.  

SOURCE: Insurance 101 for Business from Life Happens, a nonprofit education organization. 

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