Watch a 2-minute video on this topic here.
Watch a 1 minute video on this topic.
Watch this 1:25 video on this topic or read a simple checklist before your next used car purchase.
I’m Pregnant. Should I wear a seat belt? YES! Find more tips here.
Watch a 1-minute video on this topic here.
See a 1-minute video on this topic here.
Guess how long it takes to go from 70 degrees outside to 109 degrees inside a car. 10, 20 or 30 minutes?
We have a 6 second video to remind you that a train can pass through a segment of track at any time, so always practice patience at crossings.
In life you don’t get do-overs and even if you did, things may not turn out the way you expect.
Watching and sharing this 30 second video may say your life and those you love!
Is your vehicle safe? Find out how to check for a safety recall for your vehicle here.
With the temperatures rising along with the number of vehicles on the road, Idaho State Police want you to know what to do if your car breaks down on one of Idaho's highways or interstates.
The Idaho STAR program in Lewiston offers safe driving courses for motorcyclists to help make Idaho’s roadways safer for all of us.
It's time to remind all drivers to take extra precautions to make sure they share the road safely with motorcycles, from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Three dangerous but common mistakes have emerged as we learn to use keyless ignition systems on newer vehicles.
It is every parent's fear - leaving a child in a hot car.
Learn what you can do to protect a child from dying of heatstroke.
We can all learn a thing or two from these pre-K students when it comes to bicycle safety.
Family fun can turn into tragedy in a flash. Cover your liability plus safety tips to keep your show safe.
Protect yourself and others from Social Security-related scams with these tips.
As we can accomplish via the Internet, such experiences can be fraught with peril if we do not take the proper security measures -- the best first step is a strong password.
Data breaches, in all their forms, can potentially expose the personal information that we share online, putting consumers at risk of identity theft.
Contrary to popular belief, identity fraud does not always begin online.
Cyber-criminals are using ever-more sophisticated methods to exploit human weaknesses in an organization's cyber defenses.
When winter weather strikes, drivers face out-of-the-ordinary challenges when they get behind the wheel. Snow, slush or icy roads are involved in nearly one in four weather-related vehicle crashes.
As temperatures approach freezing, icy conditions can develop, especially on roadways where elevation is higher, and bridges and overpasses. Adjusting your driving behavior for these conditions can help keep you, and others around you, safe on the road this winter.
Taking snow tires out of the garage and replacing regular or summer tires during the snowy and icy months was once a familiar winter ritual for many people. With all-season tires becoming increasingly common, do drivers still need tires designed specifically to operate in snow?
Let’s take a look at the science behind some common winter driving conditions in order to better understand what leads to dangerous driving situations, and help us all prepare to drive more safely this winter.
We encourage you to drive safely this Thanksgiving holiday weekend. -- From the Sullivans & Staff at American Insurance
Make sure you shovel snow safely this winter.
Halloween has more ways to cause claims for liability and property damage than a big bag of assorted candy! Read our tips for a safe holiday here.
Halloween is a scary cauldron potion - mixed with one part darkness, one part costumed kids (darting across streets), one part teens (with “tricks”), one part scary decorations (to trip over), one part sweet candy (to rot your teeth), one part open flame candles and overloaded extension cords – and POOF....
Here are 3 essential tips to help prevent winter slip and fall accidents.
If you're planning a home renovation, you may want to call your insurance agent first because this decision can impact your homeowners insurance.
At age 65, people are twice as likely to be killed or injured by fires compared to the population at large. And with our numbers growing every year, it's essential to take the necessary steps to stay safe.
Teach children how to be safe in and around the kitchen. This fun video gives easy tips for the whole family.
In 24 hours, the Idaho State Fire Marshal was called on to investigate three home fires. None of the homes had working smoke alarms. One fire resulted in two fatalities.
Here are some important tips to help you keep danger away when you are enjoying food and fun:
Tips on how children can help a home be fire-safe.
Listen as Casey Grant from the National Fire Protection Association and best-selling author Lauren Tarshsis of the ‘I Survived’ book series talk about the lessons we learned from the Great Chicago Fire in 1871
Safeway, the grocery chain, rebuilt its safety culture on a foundation of positive reinforcement, leading to savings in excess of $100 million.