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Medical Insurance: Affordable Care Act


ACA Health Exchange - Who Needs A Quotation?

The new Health Insurance Exchange Marketplace isn’t just for the uninsured!  Almost everyone needs to take a serious look at their own state’s Health Exchange Marketplace.  

Here’s who should obtain an Exchange quotation and why…

  •  Anyone without health insurance coverage now. You are now subject to the ACA individual mandate and penalties as of 2014. You will receive the same low rates as all applicants and are guaranteed acceptance regardless of any health conditions.
  • Anyone covered now by individual health insurance. You should look now at an Exchange plan for premium savings due to subsidy or ACA changes that effect how rates are calculated that may lower your current premium. If you are being charged a higher premium rate now because of past claims or a chronic health condition you may get a lower premium rate with an Exchange plan.  Your past claims or health conditions are not considered in an ACA Exchange plan.
  • You or any family member who loses access to group coverage. Group plans are also changing causing some employers to drop coverage for a spouse or cancel the group policy entirely.
  • Employer Education Meetings & Individual Assistance. Employers that do not provide group medical insurance are invited to schedule voluntary ACA / ObamaCare education meetings for their employees. Private, individual meetings can then be scheduled to assist you in the Exchange registration, calculation of premium tax credits and cost sharing, quotation of all Exchange health plans, and enrolling in the plan of your choice.


Call for an appointment with an ACA Exchange Certified Health Agent at AMERICAN INSURANCE. Only an agent is authorized to explain and recommend specific Exchange health insurance plans. Two agents at AMERICAN INSURANCE are licensed with the state, certified and available to discuss and sell health care plans. 

We can offer you the support you need to make the choice with the best value for your family. Call our office at 208-746-9646 or 800-735-6355 or request an appointment online with a CERTIFIED health insurance agent today!

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