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American Insurance NW Inc. Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Quiz Yourself On Health Reform

Test your knowledge on key items from The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The health reform law promises to deliver big changes in the U.S. health care system. But, as with other sweeping pieces of...

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Health Reform Hits Main Street - Kaiser

Confused about how the new health reform law really works? Get answers in just 9 minutes by watching this animated movie from The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation. Click Health Reform Hits Main Street, featuring the "...

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Distracted Driving - Employer Issues

From small business delivery to large transportation fleets, distracted driving issues are a major liability to employers. Due to high profile crashes, large jury verdicts against employers, and a changing regulatory...

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20% Of Car Accidents Are Caused By?

Nope – not texting or distracted driving. Day or night, the leading cause of auto accidents is...driving while tired, according to a study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. The 100-car...

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Independent Contractor? Maybe not!

Is your janitor, maintenance worker, or sub-contractor really an independent contractor? Business owners are tempted to classify some workers as "independent contractors" to avoid payroll taxes, benefits and workers...

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Heath Care Reform Overview - ADP

A free replay of the webinar "Health Care Reform: Strategies to Help Control Costs, Mitigate Risk, & Decrease Penalties," has been made available by ADP ®, a leading provider of employer health care benefits...

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Small Biz Health Exchange Delayed

The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAC) was to begin in every state by January 1, 2014 but is being delayed one year. Health and Human Services (...

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Home Claims Satisfaction Study

Following two of the worst years of natural catastrophic events in the history in the United States, overall customer satisfaction with the property claims experience remains high, according to the J.D. Power and...

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Feds To Pay 100% New Medicaid Cost

The federal government will pay 100 percent of the cost of certain newly eligible adult Medicaid beneficiaries effective January 1, 2014. The final rule was announced today by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary...

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