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American Insurance NW Inc. Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Roundabout We Go!

Intersection closure this weekend. The roundabout construction project at Southway / Snake River Ave intersection is having the second and last scheduled closing this weekend. We will keep you informed on construction...

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Hospital Charges Exposed & Vary Widely

New data shows significant variation across the country and within communities in what hospitals charge for common inpatient services. Also, HHS made approximately $87 million available to states to enhance their rate...

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Health Centers Funded For AFA Enrollment

Republicans renew call to repeal the entire healthcare law while the Obama administration is providing $150 million for health centers to offer Affordable Health Care (AHC) enrollment assistance nationwide. House of...

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New Health Care Apps Shorter

Now a new series of shorter and easier applications have been released by CMS. Stinging from criticism that the new Health Care applications were too long and too complicated, the Obama administration went back to the...

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Health Agents Play Critical Role

Agents and brokers will play a critical role in helping consumers access health insurance coverage through Affordable Insurance Exchanges or Health Insurance Marketplaces, according to an announcement today by The...

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Quiz Yourself On Health Reform

Test your knowledge on key items from The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The health reform law promises to deliver big changes in the U.S. health care system. But, as with other sweeping pieces of...

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Health Reform Hits Main Street - Kaiser

Confused about how the new health reform law really works? Get answers in just 9 minutes by watching this animated movie from The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation. Click Health Reform Hits Main Street, featuring the "...

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Distracted Driving - Employer Issues

From small business delivery to large transportation fleets, distracted driving issues are a major liability to employers. Due to high profile crashes, large jury verdicts against employers, and a changing regulatory...

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20% Of Car Accidents Are Caused By?

Nope – not texting or distracted driving. Day or night, the leading cause of auto accidents is...driving while tired, according to a study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. The 100-car...

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Independent Contractor? Maybe not!

Is your janitor, maintenance worker, or sub-contractor really an independent contractor? Business owners are tempted to classify some workers as "independent contractors" to avoid payroll taxes, benefits and workers...

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