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American Insurance NW Inc. Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

WA Gets $6.6M Health Care Grant

Ten states including Washington State received grants to provide early childhood support and home visits to families who volunteer to receive these services, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius...

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Turns Out - Death & Taxes Are Linked!

Benjamin Franklin's famous quip "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" has a closer connection than he knew. A 30-year study of traffic accidents in the United States has found that...

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New Health Care Rule Saves $4.6B

A proposed rule that would establish a unique "health plan identifier" under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was announced today by Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)...

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“Check Engine” #1 Repair Item

The most common "check engine" light repair is "replace Oxygen Sensor." A faulty O2 sensor costs less than $250 to fix, but can lead to as much as a 40% reduction in gas mileage if ignored - immensely important to note...

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New Health Exchange Rules Released

New rules released today will offer states substantial flexibility as they design a health insurance exchange marketplace that works for their residents. The Idaho Legislature said "no thanks" this week and has failed...

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Cell Phone Related Fatalities Down 47% In CA

Traffic deaths due to hand-held cell phone use by drivers have dropped 47% since California enacted a ban in July, 2008. The analysis, conducted by the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at...

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Lifetime Limits For Health Plans End

The maximum benefit limits under medical insurance plans for an individual's lifetime have been eliminated under the Affordable Care Act. "For years, Americans with lifetime caps imposed on their health insurance...

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What FBI Says Is US #1 Threat!

Cyber security is becoming our nation's number-one threat according to FBI Director Robert S Meuller, III in comments made at the Cyber Security Conference in San Francisco. The following are excerpts from his comments...

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Crop Insurance Claims Break $10 Billion

For the first time in history, crop insurance indemnities to farmers and ranchers has exceeded $10.08 billion to cover agricultural losses, reports This underscores last year's high crop values and...

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Which Health Services Are Now Free?

Don't forget you have free preventative services to use in 2012! "Americans of all ages can now get the preventive services they need, like mammograms and the new Annual Wellness Visit, free of charge, as a result of...

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